“What’s your resolution for 2025?”
The question hit me, and all I could do was stare at the ceiling, letting my thoughts swirl. I didn’t want extravagant wishes or a long bucket list. No, what I wanted was simpler: to feel satisfied with life as it is.
I want to live a life where I don’t second guess every decision – where I don’t spend hours overthinking only to finally make a decision that still doesn’t feel right. I want to stop questioning my worth, replaying the endless what-ifs in my mind, wondering if I’d be less miserable if I’d just done things differently.
I want to live a life where I’m not stuck at rock bottom, where nothing excites me anymore – when even picking up a book feels like a chore, and I can’t get through three pages without feeling empty. That’s when I know I’m slipping again.
I want to live a life where I don’t feel suffocated by the weight of it all, where I don’t spend hours oversleeping just to avoid getting out of bed because I can’t face the day.
More than anything, I want to live a life where I feel like I’m enough. Enough with what I have, enough with what I can do. A life where I can admit, without shame, that I can’t always stand on my own. That I need support. That it’s okay to need it.
2025 hasn’t started off great. Honestly, it’s been a little rough. But even so, I hope this is the year I can live a life where I feel enough. A life where I can finally let myself breathe.