When the sun sets and the sky darkens, the moonlight casts a soft glow over your room, and everything becomes quiet — that’s when the hard part comes. You toss and turn in bed, searching for a way to drift off. You pat your pillow lightly, hoping it can calm your stormy mind, and adjust your blanket to warm your cold body, just as you worry about what tomorrow will bring. The day has been long, and your body has given its all to survive another bustling day. So, I’m here to warmly tell you that I see you did your best. I see you. Put down your worries and please sleep well.
As you lay in bed, your head comfortably resting on the pillow, with the blanket sheltering you from all the monsters outside, I hope you find it within yourself to let go of the worries and stresses that weigh you down. Close your eyes and think of all the good things you’ve done, to ease the unnecessary “what ifs” that tear you apart. None of those fears will come true; they are just the assumptions of your tired mind. You will be fine, and I will comfort you. Imagine my arms wrapping around you, gently caressing your hair and patting it softly, singing you a lullaby to help you ignore the voices in your head.
I know life has been tough. Even the strongest person can feel overwhelmed. The responsibilities, the uncertainties of the future, and the challenges that arise when things don’t go your way can all be daunting. But please remember to take a break. Work can wait, but when your body needs rest, it’s a sign you must heed. Don’t push yourself just because you feel behind others. As cliché as it sounds, life is not a race but a journey you should cherish and look back on with pride when you achieve your goals. It’s a journey that shapes you into who you are today. Working hard is admirable, but what’s even more important is taking care of yourself. Eat when you’re hungry; don’t starve yourself just because you failed a test. Cry when you need to; don’t hold back, thinking it’s not a big deal. Invalidating your own feelings is not cool. Rest when you’re tired; you don’t want to fall ill, do you?
I know how strong you are, and I am so proud of you, truly. But tonight, let your guard down and allow yourself to surrender to the embrace of sleep. Dream of the beautiful things you want to build in the future. Even if it’s just a dream, allow yourself to make peace with your stormy mind. Rest assured that tomorrow will be a better day than today.
So, my love, let your worries slip away and calm wash over you. Feel the peaceful quiet of the night, the comfort of the bed, the softness of the sheets, and the soothing rhythm of your breath. Let sleep cradle you gently, bringing the rest you truly deserve.
I love you, please sleep well.