i lost a piece of my sanity when i fell for someone (and i’d do it all over again)
I’ve always believed that falling for someone means losing a little piece of yourself – Not in a bad way – more like willingly allowing yourself to experience every emotion, whether it shatters you or makes you think that oh, maybe love isn’t so bad after all. It’s like tossing that piece of sanity into the air and saying, “Okay, you only live one, let’s see what happens.” And honestly? I would do it again, a hundred times over.
The last time I truly fell for someone was two years ago. It’s funny because I’ve always been a bit of a hopeless romantic, easily swept away by small gestures, the way someone smiles or makes me feel seen – in other words, I fall easily. But falling for someone and actually pursuing them? That’s a whole different story. It takes a certain kind of person to make me brave enough to take that leap. Surprisingly, I met someone like that. Someone who made me feel like it was worth the risk, worth giving away that piece of myself. For the first time in a long time, I felt like I wanted to chase after something real, to see where it would go.
Looking back now, even though things didn’t end the way I hoped – actually, they ended pretty badly – I don’t regret a single moment of it. I don’t regret the way I let myself fall, the way I let myself feel all the emotions – even the messy, devastating ones – because in those moments, I was alive. I was in it, experiencing everything fully. And that’s something I wouldn’t trade for the world.
It’s strange to admit, but when you really think about it, love is incredibly fragile. It’s like glass – strong on the surface, but if you push it too far or let it stumble, it shatters. It’s like knowing that you might get hurt, but you do it anyway because what’s life without a little risk? Maybe that’s the thing about love. It doesn’t promise forever, but it does promise moments – moments that make you feel all sort of things, make you braver, more willing to try again, even after you’ve been burned.
So, yeah. I lost a little piece of myself two years ago. And I’d do it again in a heartbeat – but of course, with the right person.