i hope you can forgive your parents for not being able to love you the way you needed
This is getting quite personal, but I hope you can find it in your heart to forgive your parents for not being able to love you in the way you needed. Like everyone else, parents are shaped by their own experiences and struggles. They may have unresolved issues, emotional limitations, or ways of expressing love that don’t align with your needs. There will be days when you question why you were treated differently from your siblings or why things didn’t turn out as you hoped.
There’s no clear answer to this, as it’s simply a reflection of who they are. They may show their love in ways that don’t meet your expectations, and that’s okay. It’s important to remember that despite their best intentions, our parents are not perfect. It can be painful to confront the reality that those who were supposed to be our greatest sources of unconditional love fell short in significant ways.
Even if their love wasn’t exactly what you needed, remember that you are still deeply cherished. You are a part of their lives they want to protect and nurture. Although they may not always express it, the thought of losing you as you grow older brings a bittersweet mix of pride and sadness. They take pride in how you’ve grown into the person you are today, while also feeling the ache of remembering how small you once were in their arms.
As you become an adult, they may continue to treat you with a sense of the child you once were. In their eyes, you remain the same little person they first knew. While they might not fully understand how to love you in the way you need, please know that they are doing their best, even if their efforts sometimes fall short.
As you continue to grow and heal, I hope you can find it within yourself to forgive your parents for not being able to love you the way you needed. They were raised in a different generation, and their gestures of love reflect that.
Also, please forgive yourself for seeking love in places where it wasn’t available.